Last Call: 12/4/2020
Community Life Team (UPMC)
Douglas E. Dzubinski, 53, Community Life Team (UPMC), died in the line of duty of COVID-19. His 30-year EMS career included service as the Emergency Management Coordinator for the Windsor Borough and as a long-time volunteer firefighter. Remembered as dedicated, compassionate, and hardworking, Doug was always willing to listen and help others. Doug is described as an amazing friend, and “one of the finest EMS providers” who never refused a shift and lived for his work serving others. He was a member of the Windsor Lions Club and passionate scuba diver. He enjoyed diving in the Caribbean, Honduras, Mexico, Cuba, and Guadalupe Islands, and volunteered as a scuba diver at the National Aquarium in Baltimore. Doug was a loving husband to his wife of 28-years, Penny, and an encouraging and supportive father to Bryanne.